Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice is an RPG based on the Saint Seiya saga. In this game, there are a number of battles with a wide variety of characters. All characters are customizable, and you can unlock upgrades such as new attacks or better stamina. Your objective in the game is, with the company of Seiya, Ikki, Shiryû, Hyôga and Shun, to enter the sanctuary, defeat the 12 golden knights, put an end to the master's conspiracy and save the goddess Athena.
Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice has excellent graphics quality in menus, cinematics and gameplay. Combat is in real time, and can be carried out manually or you can activate the option for it to be carried out automatically. You can also perform special attacks by clicking on each of your characters that are participating in the combat.
In total, you can choose from 88 different fighters to create your squad to protect the goddess Athena. There are six elements associated with each character: water, fire, air, earth, light and darkness. There are also four additional skill attributes: protector, warrior, assassin and experienced knight. At the same time, there are battlefields set in 12 different palaces.
Therefore, if you are a fan of the Saint Seiya saga, this is an excellent game, so be sure to download the Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice APK.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
Good saga